Sunday, January 24, 2021

Theory of Evolution: A new Approach

 I was studying the ‘Natural Resources and Wildlife’ chapter in Geography where I was reading about how so many plant and animal species were going extinct. Pondering over it, my thoughts started to wander off to one book related to story of a soul’s journey, named    ‘ Aatma ka Safar’ it was a Hindi picture book that was gifted to me by my father when I was really young and from then on it had always fascinated me. The book’s story which might be just a mythical was that how God once planned to start a role play with various artists in it. So, he made this universe and then he made our planet to rear life. After many evolutions did humans arrive on this planet and have till date occupied the top spot amongst all the diversity because of their quick-wittedness and superior behavior.  We are also the ones responsible for the extinction of many species.

 I then thought that if God suppose created ‘x’ number of souls in the first place. Also we know that if one soul attains Moksha then the other takes its place, so this means that the number of species on this planet should remain ‘x’ throughout. Then where do the souls of the extinct species go? Here the philosopher started weaving a new idea in me that if the number of souls needs to be the same throughout, to keep this equation balanced the souls of the extinct species should be reborn in some other form as their previous forms have been finished. They thus acquire the much easily available form that is the human beings. That’s why in today’s era there has been increase in the number of terrorists they all can possibly be the rebirths of the Dinosaurs or other savages who had less feelings about others. Some humans who were quite naïve or a little mentally backward might be the rebirths of the simpler species like Dodo. It is believed that with every rebirth the soul climbs a higher step and finally reaches the topmost place but some souls through this change continue to cling on to their animal traits and behave like them even in the human form. If we want to stop the human race to be mixed up completely by such species, we need to save animals from extinction and help create a good environment for them. So, that they live their life peacefully and attain Moksha.
Having satisfied myself I turned back to my Geography book and started to study quickly so as to not fail in the Social Science Exam tomorrow.

NOTE: This article of mine holds solely my opinion which may not be right. I apologize to anyone whose sentiments are hurt.


A Roll of Die

The stout Real Estate agent huffed as he climbed the tiny stairs to the second floor. I hoped he would not roll down on me. The place alread...