Monday, May 13, 2024

Hide and Kill

Fifteen summer break days have already passed, and we have done nothing. Well, except for our video game skill polishing. We were crashing at Rich Kid, John’s home, as usual. He ruled over us with all his wealth and grandeur. So, when he said he wanted to spend a night in his old ancestral mansion, we all had to agree.


The night was starry, and a pleasant wind blew as we parked in front of the dingy mansion. No lights flickered, and the empty windows stared down as lifeless eyes. It waited as a silent beast.


But I looked around at my four friends, and none of them was a bit afraid, so why should I be?


John started the mansion tour by reminding us how rich he was. At times like this, I got the urge to strangle him. I turned sideways, and my eyes contacted Jack, and he was giving me a Smirk as if he knew what I was thinking.


Martin was already hungry even though we had just had dinner, and Peter was not paying attention to John, his eyes glued to the phone on which he was beating a high score.


John stopped in the living room and tried creating the aura of interest that all tour guides do when they reach the prime location, “Friends, this is the room where my great–great–great grandpa died. And no, he did not topple because he was old. He struck a deal with the Demon and lost. His soul was sucked. Today, we should honor him by winning in his lost game.”

Martin cut off his speech, “Dude, we are calling no devil here. Not in the mood for all the hoodoo stuff.”


John smirked, “Too late, my friend. The devil has already been summoned, and now, he is here to take away your souls. Behold…”

The lights started to flicker, the doors began to smash, and the fireplace burst into flames as a hooded figure appeared. Peter dropped his phone, Martin toppled backward, and Jack shouted something, but I could not hear anything. All I saw was the figure stepping out of the fireplace before everything darkened.

I came up to a whiff of some medicine. An older man was leaning over me. “Well, it looks like we had quite a bit of fright. I am sorry for being a notorious devil to spook you out, sir. I was paid for the job.”


As I sat there being John’s latest prank victim, I could not help but be embarrassed. I was not too fond of jump scares from the beginning, and being the joke behind each incident does not humble you.


It was midnight, and John said, “Well, guys, I think our buddy Rick is shaken up; he better leave with the butler.” I spoke up, “No, I am fine.” John mocked, “Oh, don’t worry, he is a man who won’t turn into a devil on the way.” My ears turned red, and this time, I felt something I had never felt before anger. Seeing them all laugh at me, always their target, was getting on my head.


Another half an hour passed, and we were now all alone in the mansion if John was to be trusted this time.

That is when Jack said, “Guys, how about we play a game of hide and seek.”

And soon, everyone was on board with this idea; you guessed it, I got chosen to find everyone. As I sat counting on the couch, staring at the grandfather clock.

I just knew the four planned to get more action out of me. They will record it and release it on the net. I earn a lot of views as per them.


When the time was up, I went to the kitchen. As I selected the sharpest knife, I remembered a podcast I heard once about how a serial killer was created. They go into the kitchen, pick up the giant knife, and decide it is time to get over all those who make fun of them.

 “Come out, come out wherever you are.” I could make out a boot behind the couch, but it could be a trick of shadows. Still, I trudged out towards it and stopped short. Martin was lying there, blood pooled out of the multiple stab wounds, his mouth was gagged, and his lifeless eyes stared back at me.


The knife fell out of my hands; I could not believe it; was it another prank, “Matin, wake up. I pulled at his collar and tried to wake him up. But he remained limp. “


“Oh my God,” I looked around; it was Peter. I stood up swiftly, “It’s not what it looks like; I didn’t kill him.”

Peter started backing away from me, “Stay away from me, you maniac.” “I didn’t do anything.” “Then why are you carrying a knife.”

I looked down in shock. My right hand was tightly gripped around the knife; I was unsure how it got there. The knife was dripping with blood. But that could not be possible. I came from the kitchen just now.


Peter was running up the old stairs, shouting for Jack and John. I started to give him a chase, all the time thinking if he could just shut up. Suddenly, the old staircase crumbled, and Peter was falling down the hole. But I grabbed him by the collar. Peter started wailing, “Please pull me up.”

“I didn’t kill Martin.”

“Please, save me, I don’t want to die.”

“I didn’t kill him.”

“I am sorry.”

“You don’t believe me.”

I saw as the fabric gave way, and he fell; his screams stopped instantly. I was shaking; who killed Martin, John, or Jack?


Jealously rippled through me; only I deserve to take out my anger on them all.

I continued stomping upstairs. Jack met me on the top of the stairs.

“What is happening, I heard Peter shouting. Is that a knife?” His eyes widened further as I pushed him against the wall. “You killed Martin; how could you? You were my best pal. But now you changed teams. It is more fun pulling my leg than standing by me. Right?”

“Rick, calm down.” His eyes gave away his intentions; there was no care or concern, only fear as he tried to push me back. He was more potent and could lift heavier weights than me, but I was too worked up to give him a chance to fight back.


He could not stop me from slicing his neck. And it felt good seeing him slump down the wall. I was ahead of John now. He killed one; I killed two.


I opened the last door, and I knew he would be sitting on the desk smirking and laughing at how foolish I was, how it was his master plan all along.


But I was shocked to see that he was dead, too.


I did not kill John. I did not kill Martin. I could not kill them all.


I crashed on the floor and began to cry.

Before long, I was being shaken awake. “Well, it looks like we had quite a bit of fright. I am sorry for being a notorious devil to spook you out, sir. I was paid for the job.”


Seeing the Butler stand above me, I heaved a sigh of relief. Looks like I have another shot at it.

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